August 17, 2012

Too cool for school...

This post is in honor of a few important milestones:

1. Happy Birthday to my DAD!! 

I wrote this yesterday, but my lifestyle as a nomad prevented me from completing and posting it on time. Forgive me? I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks! We will embrace and laugh and cry and TCOB (Take Care of Business). Get ready.

2. Yesterday was graduation day at school!
You may all refer to me from now on as "master". No pics to show...I didn't go to the ceremony, cause...

I'm so happy to be spending time with my friends and family. I visited with Sam, Jon, and Jeff in NYC, and then grabbed a bus to Boston.
I've been babysitting



4. Instagramming the sh*t out of this town.

Yes. Its true.
I now have a smartphone and have joined the ranks of the connected generation through social media apps like whatsapp, instagram, Skype (on my phone!), etc. I still refuse to join twitter. Its dumb. Is that a mistake? Regardless, now I will be able to keep in touch with friends and family from abroad with ease..I'm even composing this post on my phone. Whaat? I know. Who am I?
I'm focusing on enjoying every moment of detoxifying America. It's like I'm giving my life a shower, seriously. I finally have a chance to stop sweating for the first time since May. The other day I even woke up to a summer thunderstorm! I've missed those. I haven't seen rain since March.

I'm staying with Sasha, Ellen, and Liron- and I couild not have asked for a more wonderful home away from home(s). The Gillers are a core component of my Boston family
I'm so grateful for our family breakfasts and dinners, and this little chick waking me up every morning with "Good morning, Jenna!"

I also plan on partaking in as many BBQs as humanly possible. Charles, my boss and mentor, was grillmaster a couple of nights ago. Doesn't this photo just scream "America" ?

I miss my friends and loved ones back in Tel Aviv like crazy. But, I'll be headed back soon enough, and now is the time to really soak in all of the American goodness that I can. 

Oh, and a quick blogging note- I've decided to try and be more consistent with my blog posts. So, from now on (barring any special occasions) I'll be posting once a week. Eventually, hopefully more. But keep checking for updates, I'll keep updating! Also, anyone with advice on instagram-google blogger compatibility please get in touch with me- I have questions!

1 comment:

Maggy said...

aye! miss you, come back soon!